Top 10 Freelance Market Place in the World of 2018

There are many market place in the world. And from there you can buy any online service. Such as you can buy graphic related work from there. The top 10 freelancing market place are given below.
1. Upwork
Upwork is the biggest market place of the world. You can buy any online service from here. Here are many talented freelancers, who can help you. For sign up click here: Upwork link 
Freelancers can sell their skill in this market place. You can sell any skill(like graphic design, web design and development, content writing etc) on this market place. 

2. Freelancer
Freelancer is the second biggest market place in the world. Here you get any service like upwork.
Buyers can buy their product or service from here.Like: logo design, website design, web development,banner, poster,flyer,anything. You can post a job in this market place as a buyer.
For signup click Freelancer link .If you sign up from here you can earn $20.

3. Fiverr
Fiverr is very sustainable market place for small project. In fiverr you will get any service for $5. Here each services started from $5.
Freelancers are sell their services here very easily. Buyers can post their job and freelancers can apply those job in this market place. For sign up fiverr link .

4. Guru
Guru is another popular market place in the world. Here you can many jobs like above market place . In guru jobs is started from $25. Guru link

5. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour is another popular market place in the world. Here you can many jobs like above market place . In guru jobs is started from $10. PeoplePerHour Link
But here is a problem for freelancers. You will get free 3 months trial in this market place. After 3 months you have to upgrade your membership on this market place. For increase your membership you need have to money.

6. Designhill
This is a another market place. You can join here in free. But you can not apply for any job. Because here are no post for job. This market place only for Design related Contest. You can post a contest here or you can participate a contest in here.The website link is .

7. 99design
99design is the biggest market place for the designing contest of the world. Here you can post your contest and freelancers can apply any contest for win. These market place freelancers have to best talents. The 99design link is

8. Trulancer
Trullancer is another popular market place in the world. Here you can many jobs like above market place .Here are contest and posting job both. Contest are very demand able in trulancer. Trulancer sign up link

Behance is another popular market place in the world. Here you can get many jobs like above market place. Link

Simplyhired is another popular market place in the world. Here you can make money to do their jobs like above market place. Link

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